Episode 4: Mountain Runaways


Award-winning Young Adult fiction novelist Pam Withers stops by the podcast to discuss her latest book Mountain Runaways. This fast-paced novel tells the story of the three kids, Jon, Korka and Aron, who lose their parents in an avalanche and decide to run away into the mountains and fend for themselves until the oldest sibling, Jon, turns 18 and can become their legal guardian. They have to deal with illness, injury, wild animals and each other.

Pam talks about why YA fiction has such crossover appeal and how to get boys to read. She has created the website www.yadudebooks.ca as a resource for young male readers and is the author of Jump Starting Boys: Help Your Reluctant Reader Find Success in School and Life.


Episode 5: The Five-Star Weekend, Tom Lake and Truth & Beauty


Episode 3: Fall Reads